ADKINS: What can America and our allies do to stop Putin?


President Biden was right and Putin did invade Ukraine. Unlike his predecessor, Biden correctly assessed the Russian despot. Unlike his predecessor, this president listened to his intelligence agencies. But why did Putin invade now, eight years after the fighting in east Ukraine began? Further, what can America and our allies do to stop Putin?

ANOTHER VIEWPOINT: An attack on civil discourse


(Logansport) Pharos-Tribune

HAWES: Traveling back to a time before tech


As I reached for my phone for what seemed like the 50th time, it occurred to me that I really wasn’t comfortable being cut off from the rest of the world.

MORRIS: The ‘Quilhot bid’


I have a new phrase to add to your vocabulary and self-help guide: the Quilhot bid.

HICKS: Modern Monetary Theory is just another fad without evidence


An obscure economic fad known as Modern Monetary Theory is again in the news. This is in part because its leading advocates are backing away from several of its central predictions, while simultaneously claiming the doctrine has won the policy debate. The whole thing is a bit absurd, and should bore most thoughtful Americans. These sort of academic debates, whether they be about some obscure archeological find or mathematical proof, are best left to sort themselves out within the research community.