Letter to the editor: Support RAIA


American manufacturers need the protection patents provide, but they do not need bad actors trying to extort money from them by filing bogus patent infringement suits. That is why, as the owner of a Hoosier manufacturing company, I support a new bill in Congress aimed at reining in the destructive tactics of patent trolls.

Franke: Whither Now the GOP?


“Whither thou goest, I will go.” (Ruth 1:16 KJV)

ANOTHER VIEWPOINT: Nursing home reform is too long past due


Anderson Herald Bulletin

Michael Hicks: Some surprising lessons from COVID learning loss


Last month, my colleague Dagney Faulk and I published a study on COVID-related learning loss in Indiana schools (available at https://projects.cberdata.org). The results were surprising and largely positive — or, at least, more hopeful than I expected. The purpose of this work was to better understand what factors contributed to learning loss. What we know so far has mostly been limited to simple descriptive statistics about changes in test scores. That is a good start, but it cannot speak to correlation, much less causation about learning loss. To do so requires more math.

MORRIS: Zero tolerance for the word police


A white teacher in Chicago was fired recently for using the N-word in class.

Linda Dunn: Let’s not ignore ‘uncomfortable’ history


Am I the only one who finds it ironic that while we are celebrating black history month in February, our legislators have been hard at work writing, revising and arguing for bills to eliminate black history from our public school classrooms and libraries?

MORRIS: ‘Snow days’ only a memory


Because I am an old man, snow scares me. Sometimes, I think it is downright evil.