Off the Shelves – February 13


New items are available at the Hancock County Public Library.

The following items are available at Hancock County Public Library, 900 W. McKenzie Road. For more information on the library’s collection or to reserve a title, visit

Adult Fiction

“Hunter’s Moon: a Novel in Stories” by Philip Caputo

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Hunter’s Moon is set in Michigan’s wild, starkly beautiful Upper Peninsula, where a cast of recurring characters move into and out of each other’s lives, building friendships, facing loss, confronting violence, trying to bury the past or seeking to unearth it. Once-a-year lovers, old high school buddies on a hunting trip, a college professor and his wayward son, a middle-age man and his grief-stricken father all come together, break apart, and if they’re fortunate, find a way forward.

Adult Nonfiction

“The Borgias: Power and Fortune” by Paul Strathern

The Borgia family has become a byword for evil. Corruption, incest, ruthless megalomania, avarice and vicious cruelty all have been associated with the name. Yet, this family lived when the Renaissance was coming into its full flowering in Italy. Examples of infamy flourished alongside some of the finest art produced in western history. This is but one of several paradoxes associated with the Borgia family. The family produced corrupt popes, depraved princes and poisoners, and also a saint. History has tended to condemn or exonerate this remarkable family, yet to understand the Borgias, they must be related to their time and the world in which they flourished. Though the Borgias represent the greatest aspirations of the Renaissance, their leadership and depravity must be taken into account. Telling their story becomes an illustration and an analysis of the strengths and flaws of the evolutionary idea of Will to Power, from the 19th century German philosopher Nietzsche. The psychological forces that first played out in the bitter rivalries and entanglements of the doomed family, the treacheries of political power and the twists of fate are all here in the glorious and infamous history of the Borgia family.