Letter: Reader questions reasons behind coyote hunt

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To the editor:

In response to the recent coyote hunting tournament around Greenfield, most animals are considered nuisance animals in the eyes of agrarian society. Given the history of hunting in America, everything that hunters say or do should automatically be questioned. They have made too many mistakes, are not entirely wise to wildlife management decisions and have yet to fully redeem themselves of their former transgressions.

Maybe coyotes need some culling, but they are currently just about the only wildlife left around here besides the deer. I hope it is for reasons of balance and less about the cash prizes, promoting their businesses or the pleasures of doing so.

If they exterminate most of our coyotes, will they be reintroducing other native animals back into the county? Will they be advocating for habitat restoration? Will they be promoting a healthier diversity? Will they be doing anything other than the removal of yet another species?

I remember long ago when someone tried to reintroduce turkeys around Blue River; they didn’t take. They should have tried again, and with more, but it’s very possible they were hunted.

Indiana laws and regulations are inadequate to protect species of limited numbers. It is considered legal to hunt any game animal regardless of its population density, but try explaining that to the Department of Natural Resources.

Adam Cooper
