Restaurant Inspections – July 23


The Hancock County Health Department inspects restaurants four times annually, and violations are labeled “C” for critical, “NC” for noncritical and “R” for repeated violations. The following inspections are based on information obtained from Retail Food Inspection Reports.

June 30

Pizza King

Location: 12110 E. Washington St., Cumberland

Type of Inspection: Routine

Violations found: C – employee’s drinks need to be covered or placed in a separate area to prevent contamination of equipment, utensils, etc., corrected; C – labels for date marking need to reflect current produce in containers and when removed from freezer to thaw. First day includes day pulled from freezer, not to exceed seven days, corrected; C – numerous gnats are present in ware washing area. Remove food debris, clean and monitor to eliminate pests, to be corrected by July 10; NC/R – ice scoop needs to be stored in manner to prevent contamination, corrected; NC – need thin tipped food thermometer for hamburger patties, etc., to be corrected by Sept. 1; NC – need to replace light bulb in walk-in cooler, to be corrected by Sept. 1.