Franke: The continuing service of veterans


It is heartwarming to hear the number of people, children included, who will go up to an elderly person wearing a military cap of some kind and say, “Thank you for your service.” I hear it myself when I am wearing something displaying the Sons of the American Legion logo. When that happens, I explain to them that it was my father who served in World War II and the Korean War. I am serving his memory.

Congressman Greg Pence: Hoosiers deserve better than Biden’s extreme agenda


On Wednesday night, President Joe Biden took to the podium in Washington, D.C to share the dark closing message Democrats have for America.

Adkins: It’s time to speak out against the acceptance of violence


There will be violence. History repeats itself and the rising political violence we are witnessing today is eerily similar to that which occurred in 19th Century America. It led to a violent Civil War and later to lynchings. This time, we won’t see opposing armies. We will see armed groups attacking those whose values or identities they oppose. We will see more individual attacks by fervent partisans. Be warned.

Remarkable productivity growth in hospitality, tourism


Fall is a time for inexpensive conferences and parent weekends at colleges, and so, over the last month, I’ve been traveling extensively in the eastern half of the country. Some folks enjoy travel for the beautiful scenery, historic architecture and differing cultures. As an economist, I also think about local productivity differences over time - we are romantic in that way. What I saw offered only good long-term prognosis for the economy.

Franke: The importance of faith-based hospitals


If a group of people get together for the purpose of providing a needed social service for their fellow citizens, is this a good thing? Even if they are religious folk undertaking this work as an outward expression of their inward faith?

Adkins: 20 years later, Phillip’s assessment holds true


Kevin Phillips is a conservative Republican author famous for incorrectly predicting a Republican Majority in America. I recently reread his American Theology, published in 2005. Its three-part theme can be summarized as follows: The Republican Party has failed to prevent America’s oil “vulnerability.” It created greater excessive indebtedness than Democrats. And its indulgence of radical religion will come to haunt the party.