Letter to the Editor: We need the editorial page


To the Editor:

As a long time reader of the Indianapolis Star and the Greenfield Reporter, I am greatly concerned about a trend that is occurring with regard to the shrinking or lack of editorial commentary. The Star has virtually done away with the editorial page during weekly publication. Therefore I most often read the Sunday paper. The Greenfield Reporter has a very comprehensive editorial page, but it tends to lack letters to the editor. The Leo Morris column from June 16 was alarming to me because it’s a sign that we’re becoming further divided in how we think about and discuss controversial topics.

On occasion, family or friends have said that they don’t read a particular newspaper because it’s too left or right leaning. The opinion page should be just that. A place where people can publish their thoughts on topics of importance. Of course, it’s the duty of the editors to ensure that the commentary is appropriate and relevant.

As Mr. Morris stated, it’s not that the reporter is telling you what to think, but rather giving you different perspectives to think about. One of the most important lessons I learned from high school was that to be an informed member of your community, you should read the editorial page and the letters to the editor. If you do only that, you’ll have a very good understanding of your community and where there are problems and successes. I have tried my best to follow this important lesson, however, I’m concerned that the columnists and editors are not given the space to share their thoughts. If we can’t share thoughts in a constructive fashion in the newspaper, where would we do it? Facebook? Twitter? NO THANK YOU.

Editors and columnists of newspapers should be, no, must be held to a higher standard. Meaning that what they print should be fair and thoughtful. If they are wrong, more often than not, they hold themselves to a standard that requires them to correct the mistake. Not so on social media platforms. We owe it to our community and to the future generations to keep this line of communication open, even if we agree to disagree. So to Gannett Co and the other publishers of the world, I sincerely ask that you do not remove or reduce the editorial section. I also ask that folks consider writing letters to the editor when they have concerns. And just so you know, this is my first letter, because I’m very concerned.

Brian Owens

New Palestine