Dog forms special bond with child


Golden Retriever Bear has formed a special bond with Brynnley

Kristyn Niederhaus shares with us about her daughter Brynnley’s special bond with their dog Bear. Brynnley was diagnosed last year with an inoperable brain tumor and the Fountaintown community has rallied around the Niederhaus family in a “Brynnley Strong” movement. Here, we check back in with the family through their dog’s ability to touch their hearts.

Daily Reporter: Tell us about Bear. Share about his personality, and how he became a member of the family.

Kristyn Niederhaus: Bear came to us in March of 2020 and was your typical golden retriever puppy, hyper and full of love. When Brynnley got diagnosed his mood changed to the point of, he never jumps on her and never leaves her side. He is the first one there when she cries and follows her around everywhere. Whenever she’s not there, he’ll lay in her spot on the couch and wait for her.

DR: Tell us about Bear’s bond with Brynnley.

KN: Bear and Brynnley have a very special bond. He sleeps with her at night and always has to be touching her. He always wants her to know he’s right there. He is hands down, her dog and he definitely lets it be known.

DR: How does Bear help you or the rest of the family face difficult days?

KN: Bear helps our family by being the best protector to Brynnley that a dog can be. He’s always there to put a smile on her face, to cuddle with and to love. He’s seriously her best friend.

DR: Can you share an update on how Brynnley is doing?

KN: Currently Brynnley is in the hospital. She completed an additional ten rounds of radiation on Aug. 27 for a tumor that was found on her cerebellum. Since then she’s not been able to walk as good and the tumor has caused a tremor in her hand. She’s now in a wheelchair. She was also found most recently to have three additional tumors right outside the original radiation field that was done back in 2020. She will be starting a chemotherapy drug to hopefully keep the current tumors at bay and will be undergoing avastin infusions to help with the swelling in her brain. She’s on steroids that currently help with the swelling but they also come with side effects. They have caused her to gain weight and with her not being as mobile, her lungs aren’t filling completely so therefore small portions of them have collapsed resulting in extreme shortness of breath so that’s why we’re here in the hospital.

Overall though she is pain free, still smiling and laughing and loving kindergarten! She goes to Brandywine Elementary and the love and support we’ve gotten from her school from the staff and students, it’s amazing. The staff truly care and love her as if she were their own child. Couldn’t have pictured a better school to send her to with everything going on.