Restaurant Inspections – January 2


The Hancock County Health Department inspects restaurants four times annually and violations are determined as “C” for critical, “NC” for noncritical and “R” for repeated violations. The following inspections are based on information obtained from Retail Food Inspection Reports.

Oct. 12

Trax BBQ

Location: 7724 Depot St., McCordsville

Type of Inspection: Routine

Violations found: install mop sink; will ask for health policy at every inspection; OK to operate when cleared through Town of McCordsville; may bring in food to serve from commissary in Carmel.

Oct. 31

Wings Etc. Grill and Pub

Location: 1925 Melody Lane, Greenfield

Type of Inspection: Routine

Violations found: C/R2 — date marking of in-house made dressing may not exceed seven days, corrected; C — chemical spray bottles must be labeled with common name of chemical, corrected; NC — protect in-use knife between uses, clean contact surfaces, corrected; NC/R3 — clean storage containers for soufflé cups, corrected; NC/R4 — repair coving in mop sink area, to be corrected by Feb. 1; NC/R3 — clean food debris/grime/build-up from floors/corners, black containers under and sink by walk-in cooler behind upright freezers, fryers/wheels and under prep counter, to be corrected by Feb. 1.