Off the Shelves – October 25



New items are available at the Hancock County Public Library.

The following items are available at the Hancock County Public Library, 900 W. McKenzie Road. For more information on the library’s collection or to reserve a title, visit

{span style=”text-decoration: underline;”}Adult Fiction{/span}

“What Should Be Wild” by Julia Fine

Cursed. Born with the power to kill or resurrect at her slightest touch, Maisie Cothay has never known the feel of human flesh. She has spent her childhood sequestered in her family’s manor at the edge of a mysterious forest. Maisie’s father, an anthropologist who sees her as more experiment than daughter, has warned Maisie not to venture into the woods. Locals talk of men disappearing within and then emerging with addled minds and strange stories. What he does not tell Maisie is that for over a millennium her female ancestors have also vanished into the wood, never to emerge — for Maisie is descended from a long line of cursed women. But one day Maisie’s father disappears, and Maisie must venture beyond the walls to find him. Away from her home and the woods for the first time, she encounters a world of wonder and deception. Yet the farther she strays, the more the woods call her home, for only there can Maisie finally reckon with her power.

{span style=”text-decoration: underline;”}Adult Nonfiction{/span}

“I Find Your Lack of Faith Disturbing,” by A. D. Jameson

In “I Find Your Lack of Faith Disturbing,” author A. D. Jameson takes geeks and non-geeks alike on a journey through the science fiction, fantasy and superhero franchises that now dominate pop culture. Walking us through the rise of geekdom from its underground origins to the top of the box office and bestseller lists, Jameson takes in franchises like “The Lord of the Rings,” “Guardians of the Galaxy,” “Harry Potter,” “Star Trek,” and, in particular, “Star Wars.” He explores phenomena like fan fiction, cosplay and YouTube parodies. Along the way, he blasts through the clichés surrounding geek culture: that its fans are mindless consumers who will embrace all things geek regardless of quality; or that the popularity and financial success of “Star Wars” led to the death of ambitious filmmaking.