Editor’s note: The Daily Reporter features our “Neighbors” each month, whether it be someone with an interesting hobby or profession, or a nonprofit group making a difference in our community. Here, Heather Harmon, executive director of the new Lindsay’s Cheer Foundation, shares about the new community charity in memory of Eastern Hancock senior Lindsay Locker, who died in a car crash in November. If you know a person or a group that you’d like to see featured in Neighbors, email [email protected].

Daily Reporter: How did you know Lindsay Locker?

Heather Harmon: I met Lindsay four years ago when she was working at the Boys & Girls Club extension at Eastern Hancock where my children attend. I also coach youth cheer, so we got to know each other more through that as well. We quickly developed a friendship. She would often stop in to spend time with my squad at practices or help them with routines. She would also stop by our home to visit & chat with our family.

DR: Why did you start the foundation?

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HH: Lindsay and I were together when we noticed a number of youth attending a cheer clinic that weren’t on the youth squads. I inquired with parents on why their kids didn’t join the sport. I was told by many that cheer is too expensive for their children. Lindsay and I struggled with this, talking about it often. Creating opportunities to allow all kids who desire to cheer the ability to do so is something that she would be proud of.

DR: What is the mission or purpose of Lindsay’s Cheer Foundation?

HH: The purpose of the foundation is to provide grants and scholarships to youth of all ages in the sport of cheerleading, helping to eliminate the financial barrier that so many families struggle with.

DR: How will this honor Lindsay’s legacy?

HH: Lindsay had a lot of talents and passions, including cheer. She was always building others up and boosting confidence in youth. We want to make sure that Lindsay’s spirit lives on through the foundation.

DR: How can people donate or get involved?

HH: Like or follow our Facebook page, facebook.com/LindsaysCheerFoundation, for info on upcoming events. We are holding an Adult Prom on Feb. 24. We take donations through Venmo (@LindsaysCheerFoundation) or directly through Chase bank. We have filed for 501c3 status so donations are tax deductible.