FORTVILLE – The third year of Mt. Vernon’s ambassadors program is well underway, showing community members the school corporation’s inner workings.

MV Ambassadors has 31 participants this year. It’s open to anyone in the community who can commit to eight Tuesday mornings a year to learn more about the schools, said Maria Bond, spokesperson for the corporation.

“In these meetings, we try to provide a red-carpet experience so the MV Ambassadors can learn behind-the-scenes information about our schools, programs, operations and finance,” Bond said in an email. “Many times there are student performances and student-led tours. The MV Ambassadors are able to interact and ask questions.”

Recently, the group experienced a student-led tour of McCordsville Elementary School; spent time in the classrooms and saw a performance of the school’s choir.

The program is designed to help people be a resource of Mt. Vernon knowledge for friends and the community. For more information on the program, visit