Holland: It’s time to fall in love with pumpkins


Teresa Holland

Fall is in full swing with so many fun places to go and things to do. There are so many festivals, craft fairs and more to check out.

The stores are bursting at the seams as they cram everything in. When you go shopping you will find at least three seasons all mixed together. Many stores show off all their sparkling, glittering, and festive items to entice you to spend and spend. There is no limit, except maybe by the wallet and how many storage places you have to stash your treasures. There are aisles with Christmas trees, pumpkins and fall, and Halloween for indoor and outdoor displays. You can share on the outside of your house whichever season you like or all of them depending on how much energy and storage sheds you have. But did you notice all the many aisles with just pumpkin stuff? There are so many that it looks like someone declared pumpkin a holiday too.

The “everything pumpkin holiday” actually started in August just for the benefit of those who just couldn’t wait. This was evident when the long-awaited arrival of pumpkin-flavored coffee, shakes, ice-cream, donuts and anything else your tummy craves made their debut appearances. If it feels like a pumpkin invasion, well it sort of is. There is just about anything pumpkin to be had.

Do you want your car to smell like pumpkin? No problem. What about the house? Again, no problem as there are so many varieties of pumpkin pie spice or other blends. Of course, you could try one of the gazillion pumpkin spice apple recipes to float its great aroma throughout the house, with the bonus of something really extra special to treat your family or friends with. You can even smell all pumpkiny (yes, that’s a bonafide word) as there are many beauty products such as pumpkin deodorant, hand creams, shower gel, body wash, face masks, and more to choose from. You can even order your favorite pet a pumpkin house to cozy up in.

The pumpkin fest goes even further and can be divided into scary-looking pumpkins or just fall pumpkins that won’t scare anyone and can even transition into Thanksgiving table decorations.

Of course, a trip to the pumpkin patch with the kids is a given. A time to get outside on a beautiful, crisp autumn day to pick just that perfect pumpkin. Be sure to take the wagon though, as chances are good that the perfect pumpkin is too heavy for them to lift. When you get back home and the pumpkins have been carved or decorated and the kids are in bed, you can finally sit down with a nice glass of pumpkin-spiced wine and relax with a favorite fall classic movie with Pumpkin in the title… of course, what else?

So, yes, you can do all things pumpkin, America’s favorite squash. I wonder though if anyone tires of pumpkin by the time Thanksgiving is here. But then, is it really Thanksgiving without pumpkin pie? So pumpkin, pumpkin… how do I love thee? Let me count the ways.

Teresa Holland is a guest columnist, writer and retired advanced-practice registered nurse. Send comments to [email protected]