Reigning royals: Eastern Hancock kindergarten students receive crowns, recite pledge


“King George” — Superintendent Dr. George Philhower — gave each Eastern Hancock kindergarten student a crown at a recent event.

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CHARLOTTESVILLE – A squire summoned each kindergarten classroom to a “palace,” where Eastern Hancock’s youngest students learned what it means to be a Royal.

The first Royal Crowning Ceremony was Sept. 13, giving each kindergarten student a chance to recite a pledge and receive a crown.

“I promise to be a Royal, shining bright each day,” they vowed. “To spread joy and laughter, in my own special way. I’ll connect with my friends, in all that we do, growing together, learning things new. I’ll strive for success in big ways and small, as a Royal, I promise, to give it my all.”

The event took place Sept. 13 when Cory Rainbolt, dressed as a squire, read from a scroll and escorted students to the “Royal Palace” – central office. Students walked on a red carpet to meet “King George” – Superintendent Dr. George Philhower – who taught them what it means to be an Eastern Hancock Royal.

The ceremony was teacher Bethany Stacey’s idea, but came to fruition by Stacey Jones, recently named the school corporation’s “Joy Integration Specialist.”

“My goal is to help teachers teach fun and creative things in their classrooms without spending a lot of time on it,” Jones said in an email. “She came to me with the idea and then we took it from there and planned the ceremony, found the costumes and props and then made it happen for our kindergarteners.”

Jones is also working on several other projects for more elementary students.

“Our main goal is to pour into the teachers so that they can pour into the students,” Jones said. “I have the best job ever; I get to bring joy each day! Our goal is for everyone to want to come to school or work every day. Hopefully this little piece helps create a joyful atmosphere here at Eastern Hancock.”