Local collection sites available for flood victims


GREENFIELD – Residents wanting to assist flood victims in southeastern Kentucky can contribute to a local emergency supply collection.

Greenfield Rotarian Jim Snellenberger is leading up a countywide collection of supplies, including water (bottles and gallon); non-perishable food and snacks; cleaning supplies like bleach, all-purpose cleaners, sponges and rags; toiletries and personal hygiene items; first aid kits; industrial trash bags; box fans; and baby supplies like formula, bottles, diapers, pacifiers and wipes.

Items may be dropped off at all county and Greenfield fire departments (if firefighters are responding to an emergency, leave items in the foyer); Miller’s Jewelry; Vail’s Classic Cars; and the storage building at the Hancock County 4-H Fairgrounds. The fairground storage building is located to the west of the Sarah Burke Exhibit Hall and marked “flood victims,” open 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. every day. For questions, email [email protected].