Off the shelves


“The Fallen Star”

The following items are available at the Hancock County Public Library, 900 W. McKenzie Road. Descriptions are provided by the publisher, unless otherwise noted. For more information on the library’s collection or to reserve a title, visit

Fiction: “Star Wars: The Fallen Star” by Claudia Gray

The light of the Jedi faces its darkest hour. The vicious raiders known as the Nihil have sought to bring the golden age of the High Republic to a fiery end. The High Republic has emerged battered and weary, but victorious thanks to its Jedi protectors. There is no monument to their cause grander than the Starlight Beacon. Hanging like a jewel in the Outer Rim, the Beacon embodies the High Republic at the apex of its aspirations

“American Comics: A History”

Nonfiction: “American Comics: A History” by Jeremy Dauber

The sweeping story of cartoons, comic strips, and graphic novels and their century-long hold on the American imagination. Starting with the Civil War and cartoonist Thomas Nast, creator of the lasting images of Uncle Sam and Santa Claus, author Jeremy Dauber whizzes readers through comics’ progress in the twentieth century and beyond.

“We Want Snow!”

Youth: “We Want Snow!: A Wintry Chant” by Jamie Swenson

“In this raucous, rhyming plea for snow, a group of youngsters imagines the cold-weather delights they’ll enjoy once winter arrives. From sledding down hills and skating on ponds to building snow forts and snowmen to sharing crackling fires and mugs of hot cocoa, they want snow and plenty of it! The snow can’t arrive soon enough. But once the flakes start to fall, are the youngsters in for more than they bargained for?”—Back cover.