Legion to put on Memorial Day ceremony at Park Cemetery

USA flag. American flag. American flag blowing in the wind.

GREENFIELD —  American Legion Post 119 will hold the 64th annual Memorial Day ceremony at 11 a.m. Monday, May 31, at Park Cemetery.

American Legion Post 119 commander Nate Murray will preside over the hourlong ceremony, and Mayor Chuck Fewell will speak. The Hancock County Honor Guard will fire a rifle salute and honor the nation’s colors. The VFW Auxiliary will present wreaths to commemorate the conflicts in which the county’s veterans have served.

The cemetery entrance, which will be transformed into the Avenue of Flags to honor veterans’ sacrifices, will be closed at approximately 10:45 a.m. and will reopen after noon. This ceremony is open to the public, and parking will begin at 9 a.m.