Letter to the editor: Unnecessary trouble to acquire a Real ID


To the editor:

On March 30, 2021, I went to the Greenfield License Branch to renew my license to a Real ID. However, my birth certificate was unacceptable to them.

I was born in East Prussia in 1941, and when we were invaded during the war, we had to flee not knowing if we would ever come back home. My then-22-year-old mother was responsible for me and her parents. She packed a little suitcase and forgot to pack my birth certificate. We were never able to go back home and ended up in Germany.

In 1959, I met an American soldier, and we were married. At that time, my mother had to swear under an oath of affidavit where and when I was born; Mother’s name and birthdate, Father’s name and birthdate (who was killed in Stalingrad); and other information that was needed.

With this paper, I was able to get married; receive my passport to come to America; obtain my American citizenship in 1971; and apply for Social Security. There never was a problem or question of validity.

However, I cannot get my drivers license updated, as they very rudely told me it was unacceptable. My husband can fly, but I cannot. What a joke! Maybe my children won’t be able to get a death certificate when I die because they can’t accept that I was born? Any suggestions?

Helga King
