Ag department shares harvest time safety tips


HANCOCK COUNTY — The Indiana Department of Agriculture is sharing a number of tips to keep people safe during harvest season, when over-sized, slow-moving farm equipment is on the roads: 

–Most farmers will pull over when they are able to let you pass, but it may take time for them to get to a safe place to do so. Be careful and patient when passing.

–Allow plenty of time to get to your destination, be aware of alternate routes and avoid distractions.

–Do not pass farm machinery within 100 feet of any intersection, railroad grade crossing, bridge, elevation structure, or tunnel.

–Farm equipment is wide, sometimes taking up most of the roadway. Exercise caution when passing.

–Do not tailgate farm vehicles, as they might have to make sudden stops along the road.

–Do not try to pass a slow-moving vehicle on the left without ensuring that the vehicle is not planning a left turn. It may appear that the driver is pulling over for you to pass when it is actually preparing to turn. You will drive right into its path, endangering yourself and the farmer.

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