Crider bill on sex crimes prosecutions easily passes Senate


Crider’s sex crimes bill easily passes Senate

INDIANAPOLIS — A bill sponsored by state Sen. Mike Crider is one step closer to becoming a law after passing the Senate with a large majority on Monday, Feb. 3.

Senate Bill 109 would change the statute of limitations for sex crimes against children. The bill would allow such crimes to be prosecuted even if the victim is older than 31, the current time limit for prosecution, if law enforcement finds DNA evidence of a crime; discovers a recording that provides evidence of a crime; or if a perpetrator confesses to a crime.

The bill passed the Senate on third reading with 44 votes in favor and two votes against. Two senators were absent and two declined to vote.

The bill now goes on to the Indiana House of Representatives, where it is sponsored by Rep. Greg Steuerwald and has already picked up three co-sponsors.