Downtown businesses plan ‘cookie crawl’


GREENFIELD — Lucy Couture Boutique will be host for the second annual Cookie Crawl from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday. 

The cost for the event is $20 and purchases a wristband and map of participating businesses. Each business will have some kind of gourmet cookie, treat or baked good. Those who take part in the event must bring their own bag for cookies. 

Proceeds will go toward Hancock Hope House homeless shelter. 

A filled-up card/map gives an entry to raffles and prizes donated by participating businesses, which are: Andree’s Florist, Millers Beauty Parlor, Nutty Mutt, Lucy Couture Boutique, Salon De’ Elegance, Family Bike Chain, McCleerey’s Sporting Goods, Lemon Lane Boutique, Greenfield Grind and Price Eye Care. Finished maps and/or purchase receipts, which earn another entry into raffles, may be turned in at Lucy Couture, 19 W. North St.