Repurpose Marsh building to help solve jail issues

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To the editor:

I fully agree with the article on the jail issue (“Jail issue about more than bricks, mortar,” Nov. 28, A4.) Every Saturday I meet with a men’s prayer group at Carol’s Restaurant, and when the weather is decent, there are several inmates outside on the sidewalk by the side of the jail just smoking and talking. So I assume they are low-risk non-violent individuals taking up jail space awaiting whatever fate has in store for them.

I got to thinking about your article and thinking outside the box, so to speak. Why not lease the empty Marsh building and convert it to a rehab and learning center for non-violent people?

Since it is a stand-alone building, it could be remodeled and given a proper non-degrading name.

I must admit I have not been to any meetings to express those views.

Just a thought.

Gene Crider 
