Do you or a loved one struggle with addiction? A new treatment option is here.


GREENFIELD — A new recovery program is offering addicts a means to get better without leaning on faith-based counseling.

SMART Recovery, which stands for Self-Management and Recovery Training, is based on the latest medical research into addiction behaviors and offers online message boards, in-person meetings, 24/7 chatroom sessions and more.

Organizers say the program fills a gap in county treatment options, many of which historically have focused on faith-based programming.

Local group sessions are free, open to the public and aim to help people recovering all types of addiction, said Betsy Duncan, a volunteer facilitating the local meetings. Hancock County’s meetings take place from 9-10:30 a.m. Saturdays at Hancock Regional Hospital, 801 N. State St., Greenfield.

For more on this story, see Saturday’s Daily Reporter.