Consider fairgrounds issue when voting

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To the editor:

Kudos to commissioners Brad Armstrong and Marc Huber and also to the small band of dedicated and concerned citizens — John Priore, George Langston, Martha Vail and Randy Harrison — for beginning to move the fairgrounds project forward.

For over two years now the Hancock County Exposition Complex Corp. (HCECC) has been incapable of making any progress in either improving the existing 4-H fairgrounds or in building a new one. They have failed repeatedly to produce a viable business plan, as requested by the commissioners on numerous occasions, while at the same time racking up bills for the taxpayers of approximately $50,000 and yet nothing to show for it.

Something is not quite right when a not-for-profit private corporation’s leadership or membership is populated with a majority of the elected officials on the county council and one of the county commissioners. Seems kinda fishy and even a conflict of interest to us. Wouldn’t we all like to form our own group that satisfies our special interests and then be on the very council that can vote to give it money from other peoples’ pockets?

The people involved have no business managing taxpayer money, either for a fairground or for the county as a whole. It’s time to move forward on either improving the fairgrounds or replacing it entirely. We have no confidence that the HCECC is capable of accomplishing this task and believe that two of the commissioners agree.

It’s time for the Ag Association, which has a demonstrated ability to manage the current fairgrounds, to take on the task of planning for improving or building a new one.

It’s also time to vote for the people who have demonstrated a concern for how your money is spent: John Priore, George Langston and Martha Vail for county council, and Randy Harrison for commissioner.

And re-elect Armstrong because he, too, is watching out for the taxpayers of this county.

Mike and Carolyn Flynn
