Three things to know about weather training class


GREENFIELD — Severe weather can strike at any time.

While the National Weather Service has technology to monitor weather and detect threats such as tornadoes, on radar, trained storm-spotters play a vital part in the warning process.

The NWS relies on trained spotters for verification of severe weather. They decipher cloud formations, track wind speeds, lightning and hail and report it to the service through amateur radio, phone or social media.

That’s why the Hancock Amateur Radio Club and Hancock Amateur Radio Emergency Service are sponsoring a severe weather spotter training.

The class starts at 7 p.m. Thursday at the First Church of God, 700 N. Broadway St. in Greenfield.

Here’s what you need to know about the class.

1. It’s free.

There is no cost to attend the training, and it’s open to anyone interested in learning more about severe weather-spotting. It’s expected to last about two hours.

2. You’ll learn from an expert.

The class will be taught by a meteorologist from the National Weather Service office in Indianapolis. The service trains about 1,000 spotters each year.

3. The lessons are varied.

The meteorologist will teach the class the basics of thunderstorm development, fundamentals of storm structure and identifying potential severe weather features.

Those who attend will also learn what information should be reported to the NWS, how to report it and basic weather safety.

For further information, contact Gary Chaney, Hancock County ARES Emergency coordinator, at 317-448-0091.