Lewis aims to go even higher


You’ve been to three consecutive state finals in the high jump. How are you feeling heading into your final season?

“It feels more like my freshman and sophomore year, because last year wasn’t as good. It feels like I’m back to how I was.” (Lewis tied for sixth at the state finals last season, after finishing fifth and fourth as a freshman and sophomore, respectively.)

Have you been able to pinpoint why you feel better or stronger?

“Probably because in basketball, we had my sister (Greenfield-Central grad Jordan Lewis) come in as our strength coach, and she really helped us out. I feel in way better shape.”

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What exercises or drills are specific to being a good high jumper?

“You’re supposed to really focus on your core strength. You want to be strong, but not muscular because you won’t jump as high (if you gain weight).”

What’s it like to prepare for an event that lasts only a few seconds per jump?

“Obviously, it’s physical. But, I feel like getting over the bar sometimes is more mental. Sometimes, when the bar gets really high, you feel like you can’t do it. But, you just tell yourself you can, and you’re more likely to clear it.”

Your school-record high jump is 5-8. Is there a specific height in your mind that you feel is within reach?

“I don’t really know what height, but if I just keep working hard, I feel like I can get higher.”

Beginning with your freshman season, you’ve always performed well at the state finals, never having a bad meet. It doesn’t appear you’ve ever been nervous on that stage. Is that accurate?

“Not the last three years, but at (the indoor state finals) this year, I felt like, it’s my senior year, I really want to win — a lot. So I was more nervous.”

As a team, Greenfield won its first-ever conference title last year. What are the goals this season?

“I think we can win conference. Obviously, we can win county. I think we can get a lot of people to regional. And I feel like we can get the most people we’ve ever got to state. I feel like we’re just really strong.”

In addition to advancing to state in the high jump, you were part of the Cougars’ 1,600-meter relay squad that made it to Indiana University for the state finals, as well. You lost one senior to graduation from that relay team, which broke a school record last season. Can your relay squad be that good again?

“It won’t be the same without Becca (Flora), but I think we’ll be just as strong. If we keep working hard, I think we can break the record again.”

Final prediction: How will your season end up?

“I want to win (state), but hopefully top three. That would be awesome.”