MILLS: Growing Climate Solutions Act is a positive development


I want to bring attention to some positive developments that may be slipping under some Hoosiers’ radar. Republican U.S. Senators Mike Braun and Todd Young have been hard at work in Washington, collaborating on the bipartisan Growing Climate Solutions Act – common sense legislation that will provide economic opportunities for Indiana farmers while also helping the environment.

FRANKE: ‘The Big Sort’


Journalist Bill Bishop coined the term “the Big Sort” to describe an increasing propensity among Americans to sort themselves into clusters of like-minded groups. One would think this is only natural as people tend to gravitate toward others with similar interests, lifestyles and affinities.

ANOTHER VIEWPOINT: Braun’s chance to make an impact


(Terre Haute) Tribune-Star

HICKS: We are in a difficult and costly conflict


Authoritarian governments are frequently thought to be more decisive than democracies. They can appear stronger and more likely to win the future than do liberal democracies, where debate is marked by public disagreement. Democracies are slow, with actions guided by compromise and the consent of the governed. Working toward compromise and consensus takes deep strength and conviction that too few people possess. This is one reason why admiration for authoritarian leaders is largely confined to the most insecure of us. This truth is exploited by authoritarian leaders who offer their followers the pretense of physical bravado and toughness, accompanied by flashy uniforms, caps and slogans.

MORRIS: A truth-in-legislation act


The Indiana Senate recently demonstrated what seemed to be a prime example of legislative thuggery in action.