LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Krull’s argument pulled ‘out of thin air’


To the Editor:

Regarding the opinion piece “Education system takes a journey to lunacy,” John Krull, page 4, Fortville-McCordsville Reporter, Wednesday, March 2, 2022.

Why is it that a school like Heritage Christian School in Indianapolis, for example, a private parochial school, one of the best, if not the best, schools for preparing high school students for the colleges and universities? Why is it that the parents who know that private-school education is, generally speaking, better than public-school education, choose parochial schools, Catholic schools, for example? Why is there an increase, in at least interest, in home schooling? Would he say: With any generalization there are always exceptions? If so, there are a whole lot of exceptions.

It seems to me if the K-12 public-school system in America is, indeed, suffering—even failing—then it is because the AFT (American Federation of Teachers) and the NEA (National Education Association) have a choke-hold on actual learning, instead preferring to further their own political and financial interests, not least allowing, even promoting, mediocrity.

Furthermore, I don’t believe it’s history about Nazism and the Holocaust that’s in question. This history is clear-cut and not up for discussion or debate, despite what Krull tried to create, seemingly out of thin air. Instead, the ones who might not completely be satisfied with public-school education are the ones who, for good reason, fear that some professors of education, for example, at some of our colleges and universities, who teach our teachers, have hijacked the narrative and want to change history, not bring it up for real, intellectual debate. Pulling out of thin air the example that 2 + 2 = 4 might soon be up for debate shows just how desperate Mr. Krull is for real examples to make his point, indicative of an amateur, at heart? Perhaps?

Finally, John, it seems to me, tried to pack too many issues into one article, not ones necessarily related to his point, whatever that may have been. It was, it seems to me, confusing, at best cryptic. Unless, of course, he did so to try to confuse his reader, in which case he may have succeeded. Not me, nor any other insightful, can’t-be-bluffed reader in western Hancock County.

David Wayne Ward
