Krull: Jim Lucas, out beyond the tracks


Indiana Rep. Jim Lucas, R-Seymour, must think his fellow Americans really, really, really covet his guns.

Honor befits Black actor who protested stereotypes


Anderson Herald Bulletin

Adkins: Gun violence in America, Part 4


It required DNA to identify several of the children massacred at the Uvalde, Texas elementary school. Let that soak in before reading further. The gunman, using a military style semi-automatic weapon, an AR-15, mutilated children’s bodies to the point their parents could not recognize them.

Letter to the Editor: Stop already


To the Editor:

Adkins: Gun violence in America, Part 1


Mississippi Senator Roger Wicker said that we do not have a gun problem in the United States. “No,” he said, we have a “societal problem.” If he is correct then we could no longer claim the notion of American Exceptionalism, except in a very negative connotation. I intend to show that while we may have a societal problem, much of it revolves around firearms. We do indeed have a gun problem here in America even though it should be obvious to all except the Senator from Mississippi.

Celebrating Juneteenth


Sunday, June 19, 2022 is Juneteenth and last year’s Gallup Poll showed that 60% of us know nothing or only a little bit about the holiday.