Franke: What happened to summer vacation?


Most of the public and parochial schools in my area started back up this week. So what, one might ask, until one looks at the calendar and realizes it is the second week of August. What happened to summer vacation?

HICKS: It’s time to face facts about factory jobs


I’ve been living in Rustbelt towns in West Virginia, Ohio and Indiana for more than two decades. One shocking thing I continue to hear is the belief that something will cause an increase in factory jobs. Whether this fantasy is heard on the national stage or in cities and towns, I remain stunned by the ignorance that otherwise intelligent people have about manufacturing in the United States.

John Krull: Toto, we’re not in Kansas


When the good people of Kansas voted overwhelmingly in a statewide referendum to reject restraints on reproductive rights, they sent a message that could be read by everyone.

Morris: Abortion, going forward


Can the legislative process still work more or less as intended, with lawmakers balancing competing interests and arriving at a solution that the majority of the population can at least live with if not enthusiastically endorse? Or have we become so divided as a nation that neither side wants to concede anything to the other?

Bloomberg silliness


To the Editor:

Hawes: Illinois GOP Rep. Adam Kinzinger targets cynical colleagues


During an interview with Illinois Congressman Adam Kinzinger, CNN’s Brianna Keilar played remarks from Arkansas Republican U.S. Sen. Tom Cotton.

US should continue to admit Ukrainian refugees


The Washington Post