Marcus: What can Indiana claim as its own?


In my kitchen are figs from Turkey, coffee and bananas from Columbia, grapes from Chile, apples from Washington state, and Greek yogurt from Canada.

Editorial: Clear path needed on marijuana issue


(Jeffersonville) News and Tribune

Editorial: Different approach needed for teens and vaping


Anderson Herald Bulletin

Regreening Greenfield


Coming off of I-70 after a lengthy drive from IU-Bloomington, I am faced with the tawny color of a town called Greenfield. This is my hometown that I delightedly point to when meeting new colleagues throughout my higher education, yet I feel deceptive when describing the town that I hold dear. The lack of green space in Hancock County is negatively impacting local carbon emissions and holding back our communities socially and medically. Altering our urban environments to include green areas which will ultimately improve life expectancy, lower our carbon footprint and increase the overall happiness of Greenfield residents.

Dunn: The Law of Unintended Consequences


Ninety years ago we fixed what many Americans had come to believe was a mistake when we ratified the 21st Amendment to repeal the 18th Amendment.

Marcus: Indiana floating with the tide


For several decades, Hoosiers have heard state candidates vow to raise per capita personal income (PCPI).

Franke: Manchin Is no ‘Moderate’


Joe Manchin is hard to figure out. He likes to see himself as a moderate who thinks independently of party and ideology. Many desperately want to believe that.

Increasing awareness and understanding of Alzheimer’s Disease


The last few years have been exciting in terms of the research and treatment landscape for Alzheimer’s Disease. Encouraging new compounds are being developed and approved to slow the disease’s progression. This is incredible, life-changing news, providing hope that just a few years ago, we could only imagine. At the same time, this condition is affecting more people than ever – a true epidemic - and the number of those affected, those with the disease and their caregivers, will continue to increase. November is National Alzheimer’s Awareness Month. This month and throughout the year, while excited about research developments, we must continue to address the complexity of the condition today and keep the utmost attention on providing support to those with Alzheimer’s Disease and their caregivers.