Editorial: No Labels, No Alternatives, No Escape


The Wall Street Journal

Michael Hicks: What caused the Midwest to thrive? Education


A newly released study by economists from Yale and UC San Diego unlocked a key insight into the way the Rustbelt developed. Like most studies, it is just one piece of the puzzle. I found it insightful because it is yet another challenge to the view that attracting capital drives regional economic growth. In other words, jobs follow people, people don’t follow jobs.

Marcus: Hoosier Housing Costs and Income Below Average


Last week in this space we wrote: In 2022, the average Hoosier worker had a wage of $67,088, 33rd highest in the nation. This level of income permits her/him to buy the same basket of goodies as $73,067 buys in Averageton, USA.

Editorial: Resources needed for immigrant students


The (Anderson) Herald Bulletin

Michael Hicks: The political economy of inflation


The fourth anniversary of COVID offers an economics columnist a rich set of policy lessons. Among the most pressing is the political economy of inflation. I begin by reminding readers that inflation is largely a policy choice, involving a trade-off between either increasing unemployment or reducing the purchasing power of our dollar.

John Krull: Fear as a weapon of mass destruction


PARIS, France — The warning came not long before it was time to board the train.

Michael Hicks: Lasting effects of the KKK in Indiana


Last autumn I read Timothy Egan’s masterpiece, “Fever in the Heartland,” which covers the abrupt rise and fall of the Ku Klux Klan in Indiana. It sent me down a research pathway that uncovered ill effects of the KKK on the population and demographics that still plague parts of Indiana.