Linda Dunn: NCAA sports: Funding the Madness

Many of us have seen photos from the NCAA training rooms that highlight the disparity between genders in sports funding: The men’s training room...

ANOTHER VIEWPOINT: Trump’s organ donation policy fix would save lives

Bloomberg The U.S. has a deadly shortage of donor kidneys, livers and other organs for transplant. The wait list is about 110,000 patients long, and...

Leo Morris: Police reform: Where to start

You probably know what you think about murder, rape, arson and all sorts of other abhorrent crimes. But how do you feel about jaywalking...

Letter to the editor: Senseless slaughter of wildlife must be stopped

To the editor:As I sit here, with my dog in my lap, I am reminded that many Hancock County residents recently spent their entire...

Trudy Lieberman: Stimulus mostly ignores health care

The possibility of a public option to expand health insurance is gone, shelved for the foreseeable future by Congress, which never seriously considered it. Some...

ANOTHER VIEWPOINT: Not yet time to celebrate

The Baltimore Sun Multitudes of college students are returning to class after a brief mid-semester respite. It’s probably safe to assume that some of the...

Letter to the editor: With spring rain, be prepared to prevent flooding

To the editor: The warm temperatures and sunshine are a welcome sight. As we prepare to work in the yard and flowerbeds, we also need...

Bob Cherry: Engaging Hoosier students in our democracy

Can you name the three branches of government? Do you know what makes our government a democracy? For some, answering these and other questions...

ANOTHER VIEWPOINT: At Capitol, ever-present fear

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette The sanctity and security of the U.S. Capitol has not been breached since that woeful day in January. But whispers and threats circulate...

Letter to the editor: County can’t afford raises for deputies

To the editorThere have been two previous letters questioning why Sheriff Brad Burkhart wants to spend a ton of money to hire 23 new...