COAD offers CPR training


HANCOCK COUNTY — The Hancock County Community Organization Active in Disaster COAD received a grant from Greenfield Sertoma to allow them to offer CPR training at no charge. Since the class size is limited, they’re asking people to make a commitment to show up. The training will include adult and pediatric first aid/CPR/AED with ASHI, and a 2-year certification will be presented by Arise Safety and CPR. People will learn skills helpful in neighborhoods when a major incident occurs. The event is scheduled for 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Saturday March 18 at 1450 West Main St., Greenfield, in the Calvary Baptist Church Community Room. A light breakfast and lunch will be provided. The class is limited to 20 participants with 11 already committed. Officials say reply now to hold a seat.