Candidate filing deadlines near


HANCOCK COUNTY — Several candidate filing deadlines are coming up for the 2022 general election this November.

The deadline for an independent or minor party candidate to file a petition of nomination with a county voter registration office for verification of petition signatures is noon Thursday, June 30.

The following deadlines are noon, July 5: for the Democratic or Republican Party to select a candidate to fill a vacancy on the general election ballot due to a vacancy resulting from no candidate being nominated at the primary; for the Democratic or Republican Party to file a certificate of selection stating that a vacancy on the general election ballot resulting from a vacancy on the primary election ballot has been filled; to file a declaration of intent to be a write-in candidate at the general election; for the Libertarian Party to conduct a convention to nominate candidates or to take action to fill a ballot vacancy following a convention; and for the Libertarian Party to certify candidates nominated at convention or to certify a candidate selected to fill a vacancy following convention.

The Hancock County Election Office is open 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday on the second floor of the Hancock County Courthouse, 9 E. Main St., Greenfield.