Several scholarship opportunities available


GREENFIELD – Several scholarship opportunities are available to Hancock County high school students and adult learners, and deadlines to apply are approaching.

Here’s a list of scholarships available. Scholarship opportunities not listed can be sent to [email protected].

Students can access applications through their Naviance accounts, their high school guidance offices or through the contact information listed below.

The Next Generation Hoosier Educators Scholarship provides 200 high-achieving high school and college students interested in a career in education with a $7,500 renewable scholarship; students agree to teach for five years at an eligible Indiana school or repay the corresponding prorated amount of the scholarship. Deadline is Jan. 31.

Ninestar Connect is offering customers the NineStar Scholarship by a random drawing. Deadline is Feb. 11.

A scholarship for those wishing to pursue a license or certification in guidance counseling, social counseling or social work may apply for the Jeannine Miller Scholarship in Support of Guidance, Counseling and Social Work is available through the Hancock County Community Foundation. Applications are open now through June 30; applicants must be nominated by a Hancock County public school administrator.

Applications can be picked up from building principals. For more information, visit or contact Janet White, education officer, at 462-8870 ext. 226 or [email protected].

The Martha Beckenholdt Youth Philanthropy Award recognizes a Hancock County high school junior who has contributed outstanding time, talent and energy to philanthropy. The award recipient will select a Hancock County nonprofit organization or agency to receive a $1,000 grant in his or her name, donated by the Hancock County Community Foundation. Applicants must be Hancock County high school juniors with a recommendation from a high school staff member or nonprofit organization leader located in Hancock County. Applications are accepted through Feb. 18. For more information, email Janet White, [email protected].

The Greenfield Central School Foundation is offering four scholarships to graduating seniors. There is one common application to complete and then a separate essay for each of the four scholarships, due Feb. 15. The Jane Marilyn Haines Foster scholarship is $8,000 a year for four years; the Patricia Sue Pope scholarship is given to two students at $2,000 a year for four years; the Shirley Gibbs scholarship is given to two students at $2,000 a year for four years; and the Kathy Dowling Legacy Scholarship is $1,000. Visit for details.

Indiana’s 21st Century Scholars program provides up to four years of undergraduate tuition to income-eligible students at participating colleges or universities in Indiana, as well as step-by-step guidance and support to make sure they succeed in college and receive support to finish their degree. Visit

Several scholarships are available for Hancock County residents through Tri Kappa Sorority, Upsilon Chapter, Greenfield. There are four $1,000 scholarships for graduating high school seniors, as well as two scholarships for adults wishing to further their education or training. All have an application deadline of March 31; applicants may use the following websites to apply and send applications to [email protected].

High school seniors may complete an application at

A female adult with a gap in her education who wants to further her education or training is eligible for the Mary Ann Strawmyer Picket Continuing Studies Scholarship. The applicant may complete an application at .

A male or a female adult with a gap in their education who wants to further his or her education or training is eligible for the Helen Roath Memorial Scholarship. The applicant may complete an application at

Any questions about the applications can be sent to scholarship chair Sandy Miller at [email protected].