Daily Reporter site will add paywall


GREENFIELD — Beginning Tuesday, Nov. 16, readers on greenfieldreporter.com may notice a change to their experience. On that day, the Daily Reporter will launch what is known as a metered paywall.

Subscribers to the newspaper who have already registered, or are receiving the newspaper’s eNewsletter through their email, should not experience any disruption. Those subscribers who have not yet registered will be prompted to do so in a very simple process. Customer service personnel are available to help any reader needing assistance.

Non-subscribers will be permitted access to three free stories in a 30-day period. After that, non-subscribers will be prompted to register and provide an email address. At that point they will receive access to an additional two stories in that 30-day window.

Commenting on stories is also coming back to the website. We believe readers will find conversations about stories more engaging, more helpful and more meaningful on the newspaper’s site than in a social media conversation.

Like many newspaper publishers, the Daily Reporter launched its website onto the World Wide Web in 2003 with enthusiasm and hope. The staff continues to be excited to offer readers another way to read local news; we’ve also always been hopeful advertising revenue from the website would sustain the venture.

Digital readership has succeeded beyond our vision and continues to grow. Digital revenue growth has, unfortunately, not grown at the same pace as readership. In large part, the slow growth of digital revenue is the result of two companies, Google and Facebook. The duopoly controls roughly 70% of all digital advertising revenue on the Internet. AIM Media Indiana is part of a lawsuit challenging the monopolization of digital revenue by those two companies.

An enhanced reader experience on the newspaper’s website and replica edition (the e-edition, which is accessible at www.greenfieldreporter.com or via an app for mobile devices), is available in 12 different languages, representing AIM Media Indiana’s commitment to providing more access to the community in different formats.