McCordsville’s Christmas tree lighting returns


Santa Claus visits with a girl at a past annual Christmas tree lighting in McCordsville.

McCORDSVILLE — After going virtual in 2020, McCordsville’s annual Christmas tree lighting returns to in-person this year, but with precautions.

The entire event will be outside and socially distanced outside Town Hall, 6280 W. 800N, McCordsville on Wednesday, Dec. 1. It will start at 5:30 p.m. and end by 7 p.m. The McCordsville Elementary School Choir and Mt. Vernon Middle School Band will perform in the park shelter. A special “elf” will flip the switch to light the tree. New this year will be a hot chocolate truck serving white hot chocolate, Mexican hot chocolate and original hot chocolate. There will also be ornament craft kits to take home and a balloon artist on hand. Santa Claus will make an appearance as well.