EASTER AIRDROP: Fortville egg hunt comes with a twist

A child cheers as he watches a helicopter drop Easter eggs moments before the start of the hunt at Fortville Nazarene church on Saturday, March 27. (Tom Russo | Daily Reporter) Tom Russo | Daily Reporter

It was hard to tell who was more excited during the big Easter egg hunt over the weekend at Fortville Church of the Nazarene: the kids who raced to scoop up the eggs or their parents. Hundreds of people turned out in Fortville on the nicest Saturday of the year so far to help usher in the Easter season. The church’s egg hunt — which featured thousands of treats to be excitedly discovered — had a special wrinkle: Some of the candy-filled plastic eggs were dropped by a helicopter into a field, which was quickly overrun by eagle-eyed youngsters seeking the sweet bounty.