Letter to the editor: Mass-mail ballot distribution invites fraud

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To the editor:

The way in which mail-in voting is managed determines exactly how legitimate the results would be, and the problems arise when ballots are mailed to everyone on the rolls.

The voters on the local Hancock County rolls, as well as in Indiana in general, are often deceased or have moved away 30 years ago, like a former family member who is still on the roll when I vote. I have repeatedly mentioned that this person has not lived here for over 20 years, but the nice lady always smiles and says they HAVE TO leave the name on there anyway.

Why exactly? I never got an answer to that, and if ballots are sent out to everyone who is dead or long ago moved, and there is no signature verification for the ballots, the opportunity for fraud is enormous.

The Democrats have a serious enthusiasm problem this election, especially at the top of the ticket, and this is why we are seeing a big push for mail-in voting. They are worried this will have a serious effect on turnout, and they are likely correct. But mail-in cheating is not the answer. Many races in recent years have been extremely close, and even small amounts of fraud can steal the seat from the rightful winner.

People go to the grocery, to Walmart and other public places without problems, so there is no reason to not vote. The primary voting here went very well, with spacing and sanitation of booths done very well. Let’s keep elections fair, and not turn into a banana republic where no one trusts any election. Mail-in absentee voting is fine. Let those who want to vote absentee ask for a ballot, and as their signatures are verified, they will be legitimate.

Tim McDowell
