Letter to the editor: We must fight for our freedom or lose it

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To the editor:

The Democrat/socialist agenda in America has reached a point now that enough gullible people have fallen for it, that the country is actually at risk of turning into another Venezuela.

This sounds far-fetched to many, I am sure, but it is most certainly true, as the ceaseless attack on American standards by the left since the 1960s have now culminated in a Democratic Party that is by far more socialist than pro-American. Freedom of speech all but shut down on college campuses; the leftist media reporting altered, or outright fake news, to further the socialist agenda; and attacking the president, who represents everything they despise.

Faith in America, self-reliance, less government and regulation, less taxation, these all are anathema to the socialist left.

The current pandemic is even fair game for the endless onslaught of leftist activism, with the far left House trying to inject a full-blown socialist platform and rewriting of immigration policy into the relief bill. We are battling a virus right now that is deadly for some, and it is serious indeed, but the leftist assault on American traditional values and way of life are under an even more insidious attack by relentless socialists and anti-America hate.

We will survive the virus, but without an informed electorate and self-reliant Americans, we can lose the country we have known for over 200 years. We must fight for our freedom, and demand it every day, or we will lose it.

Tim McDowell
