Don’t forget: Change in straight-ticket voting for at-large council races


HANCOCK COUNTY — Voters who cast a straight-party ballot this election could lose the chance to vote for at-large county council races if they aren’t careful.

State lawmakers this year abolished straight-party voting for at-large races, meaning voters casting a straight-ticket ballot must individually vote for the at-large council candidates they want to support. If they don’t, those candidates — even though they represent the party the voter supports — won’t receive a vote.

The change affects straight-ticket voting for both Republican and Democratic candidates.

This fall, the law change will affect five of the six at-large candidates running for county council, which has three open seats.

Residents have to individually vote for their candidates. The races include Republicans Kent Fisk, Debbie Bledsoe and Martha Vail, as well as Democrats Rita Johnson and Randy Jones. Write-in candidate Zachary LaFavers’ name will not appear on the ballot but may be added by supporters.

A note reminding voters of the change will be printed on ballots this fall.