A blast from the past: Costume gala brings in $48k for school projects


Members of the New Palestine Education Foundation celebrated being on the Prom Court at the Prom of the Century Gala last month, when an estimated $48,000 was raised. Pictured from left are Nettie Greulich, Shelley Swift, Linda Fowler, Kim Taylor, Mark Kern, Katie Arthur, Jenni Dropsey and Caralee Griffith.

Submitted photo

NEW PALESTINE – With pink neon, poodle skirts, mullets and even medieval costumes to celebrate prom through the decades, the New Palestine Education Foundation raised thousands of dollars at its annual gala last month.

The Prom of the Century Gala and Auction was April 12 at Adaggios banquet hall in Greenfield. An estimated $48,000 was raised to support New Palestine Community Schools classrooms.

“It was truly a night to remember,” said Kim Taylor, board president of the foundation, in a press release. “We are so very thankful to our generous sponsors and to all of those who attended to support this event, which raised tens of thousands of dollars to support our local teachers.”

The foundation’s spring gala has taken on different themes throughout the years. Last year’s high-roller casino theme netted $23,000 for the foundation, which uses the proceeds for teacher grants, professional development opportunities, staff support and student scholarships through New Palestine Community Schools.

Taylor said the entire board was blown away by the record amount this year.

Taylor and follow longtime board member Mark Kern were both surprised when they were named prom king and queen at the event.

The Distinguished Alumni of the Year award was also given at the event. Dr. Greg Estes, a former New Palestine High School football player and 1986 graduate who went on to become an accomplished orthopedic surgeon and sports medicine doctor, earned the award.

Estes served as the football team’s sideline physician for 24 years, and has served as the team physician for the Indy Fuel and Indy Eleven, as well as multiple teams at Duke University when he was a student there. He was selected as one of the area’s top doctors by Indianapolis Monthly and has won several patient satisfaction awards.

For more on the foundation, visit newpaledfoundation.com.