County should pause rampant development


To the editor:

This is an open letter to the Hancock County Commissioners and the Hancock County Advisory Plan Commission.

There needs to be a pause on the rampant development of warehousing/light industrial facilities in the Mt. Comfort area. Development is inevitably coming; it is already here, and development is not a bad thing, if properly controlled.

I think a large segment, if not most, of the residents in the county would agree the development in western Hancock County and the Mt. Comfort area is definitely not being properly controlled. From what I have read, most of this development is speculative and is being approved with a “if you build it, they will come” attitude. Well, maybe they will or maybe they won’t. Who is going to fill these facilities, and who are they going to hire?

Businesses, of all types, across the country are having to scale back operations, or close, because they cannot get product and/or find enough employees to fill their needs. Personally, I think none of this development should be allowed past the west side of County Road 400W and the north side of County Road 200N. At the very least, let’s put a hold on this development until the county has proposed a new development plan that has included ample opportunity for and consideration of input from the public.

Bob Holland
