Off the shelves


“She’s No Sorry”

The following items are available at the Hancock County Public Library, 900 W. McKenzie Road. Descriptions are provided by the publisher, unless otherwise noted. For more information on the library’s collection or to reserve a title, visit

Fiction: “She’s Not Sorry” by Mary Kubica

Single mother and full-time nurse Meghan Michaels, when it is revealed her patient with a traumatic brain injury didn’t jump from a bridge but was pushed, mistakenly lets herself get too close to the case, realizing she and her daughter could be the next victims.

Nonfiction: “Sociopath” by Patric Gagne

With emotions like fear, guilt and empathy eluding her, the author, trying to replace the nothingness with something, realizes after connecting with an old flame that if she’s capable of love, it must mean she isn’t a monster. She sets out to prove the millions of Americans who share her diagnosis aren’t all monsters either.

Youth: “The Reappearance of Rachel Price” by Holly Jackson

When her mother, who disappeared 16 years before, reappears while a true crime documentary about her case is being filmed, 18-year-old Bel, not buying her mom’s unbelievable story about what happened to her, must uncover the real reason Rachel Price is back from the dead.