GREENFIELD — House Representative Bob Cherry (R-Greenfield) was recently honored by the Indiana House of Representatives with a resolution recognizing his 26 years of service to District 53, presented at a House Chamber meeting on Feb. 22.

House Resolution 22 was introduced by Rep. Jack Jordan (R-Bremen), stating that this resolution is a highlight of his eight-year legislative career and honors Rep. Cherry’s work since being elected in 1998.

Rep. Jordan said that Rep. Cheery is caring and committed to everyone he meets — there are no strangers. Rep. Jordan said that Rep. Cherry is a man for the people, inside and outside of the statehouse, listening and engaging and being excited to help.

“He would do anything for any one of us. I spilled coffee on my shirt yesterday and I had to be careful because I knew he would literally give me the shirt off his back,” Rep. Jordan laughed.

Rep. Mike Karickhoff (R-Kokomo) said it was good fortune to be seat mates with Rep. Cherry in both the Ways and Means Committee and in caucus and after a day of riding together on a golf cart, Rep. Karickhoff saw the parallels in each other’s lives with their families and public service.

“From that day forward I knew I had a brother in the legislature that saw the world had the same struggles in their life, so God bless you Bob, I’m going to miss you,” Rep. Karickhoff said.

Rep. David Heiene (R-New Haven) said that the institutional knowledge Rep. Cherry brings to the body is unmatched and his mentorship will truly be missed.

Approximately 20 representatives highlighted his vast knowledge, his being a Boilermaker and his deep love for his wife, five children and 12 grandchildren.

Rep. Cherry closed the resolution mentioning his children and grandchildren, listing their accomplishments and saying how proud he is of his family. He also highlighted moments throughout his time serving as representative.

“I felt like I attended my own funeral,” said Rep. Cherry, also mentioning how it was an honor and nice tribute where her wife and many children and grandchildren were able to attend. “It was very fitting.”

Rep. Cherry said that hearing many representatives speak of how he is a kind, knowledgeable person and mentor to many was overwhelming, not knowing that many people felt that way about him.

“”It was certainly nice to hear it from people… can’t say it didn’t bring tears,” Rep. Cherry said.

Rep. Cherry said that once he retires he wants to spend more time with his 12 grandchildren, also being able to attend games where four of his grandchildren play Division 1 sports.

“I still got public service at heart so we’ll see where that leads me,” Rep. Cherry said.

Cherry currently serves as vice chair of the House Ways and Means Committee, an alternate on the State Budget Committee, a member of the House Agriculture and Rural Development Committee, House Elections and Apportionment Committee and House Rules and Legislative Procedures Committee.

Cherry also is chair of the State Fair Advisory Committee and a member of the White River State Park Development Commission, formerly serving as chair of the Agricultural Advisory Council.

After 26 years of service to Hancock and Madison counties, Rep. Cherry will retire in November.

“While I’m excited to begin this new chapter. I know I will miss serving Hoosiers alongside so many of my colleagues and friends,” said Rep. Cherry in a press release announcing House Resolution 22.

During legislation this year, Rep. Cherry authored House Bill 1004, designed to help cover cost-of-living gaps for retired public employees by providing a one-time, post-retirement payment. Those retired public employees include teachers, conservation officers and state police officers who are a part of Indiana’s public pension program.

Before becoming representative for District 53, Rep. Cherry was active in local government, serving on the Hancock County Council, the Planning Commission and the Greenfield Board of Zoning Appeals.

As Rep. Cherry closed his comments on House Resolution 22, he shared that some of the staff thinks he should write a book, and while he said one day he might, but for now he said he leaves with a saying.

“Life is like a roll of toilet paper, you get near the end it goes pretty darn quick.”