Letter to the Editor: School board should poll the taxpayers they serve


To the Editor:

It is interesting that in this day and age of inclusion a school board led by their soon-to-be-outgoing superintendent announces that they plan to forego the history of bringing communities together and change their school corporation’s name to include just one zip code.

Change may not be a bad thing and may be long overdue since the Community School Corporation of Southern Hancock County has been known as New Pal for a long time. (And spoken with a condescending sneer mixed with fear by those competing against them on the field of sport.)

The DR article was shared several times on Facebook, and there were comments for and against a name change. School officials mention speaking only to community leaders about this change. The DR article reported that the board expects citizens to come to the March School Board meeting if they want their thoughts and opinions made known. This method to determine whether the school community is behind such a decision is elitist at best. It will be interesting to see if the CSCSHC Board moves to do a proper poll on the question and ask all the people they serve and from whom taxes are collected what their thoughts are instead of leaving it to the few who can come to a public meeting.

Katie Lewman

New Palestine