GREENFIELD — Ten-year-old Ella Haskett couldn’t wait to show her family the painting she made that was hanging in the Twenty North gallery in downtown Greenfield last weekend.

Hers is among dozens of works of art displayed in the gallery this month at 21 N. State St.

The month-long elementary school art show kicked off with a reception for artists and their families Friday, Feb. 9.

Ella made sure her parents and little brother stopped by the gallery to see her artwork — a piece called “The Hot/Cold Clash” — which combines elements of red and blue.

“I like art and painting stuff,” said Ella, who used a spatula to pull multiple colors of paint across a canvas to create her latest painting.

“She really puts her whole soul into it,” said her mother, Kayla Knight, as her daughter showed off her art hanging on a wall at the gallery.

“This is such a proud moment for her and for us, but I think we’re way more impressed than she is,” said her mom.

Ella, a fourth grader at Mt. Comfort Elementary School, was a big fan of the other works of art she saw hanging in the gallery this weekend, created by elementary-age students throughout Hancock County.

Sisters Adrienne and Cora King were also impressed with the art they saw there this weekend.

“They love art,” said their mom, Briana King, who brought them to the gallery Friday night.

Eight-year-old Adrienne, a student at J.B. Stephens Elementary School, showed off a piece of her art that was hanging on a banner with other student art from her school.

This month’s art show is presented by Hancock County Arts, the countywide nonprofit which runs the Twenty North Gallery.

Council president Alice Hedden said it’s a great way to showcase the rising talent of young artists throughout the county.

“Their artwork is always so vibrant. The kids like bright colors and it brings a lot of color to our drab days in February,” she said.

“I also think being exposed to their peers’ art is important. As they look at it, it gives them more ideas as to what they would like to do in their own art,” said Hedden.

Fellow arts council member Kitty Smock was equally impressed with the art on display Friday.

“We’re always impressed by the quality of the work that children are doing in elementary school, as well as the things the junior high and high school students do. It’s wonderful,” she said. “I think the teachers know how to bring it out in them. They’re doing a great job.”