The Community Foundation of Hancock County recently gathered its 2023-2024 Y-GIVE board for a group photo. Made up of four students from each public high school in Hancock County, the board gathers once a month while school is in session to learn about the community and volunteering. The youth philanthropy board acronym Y-GIVE stands for Youth-Giving, Investing, Volunteering and Engaging. Pictured are, front row, Christian Whisman, Griffin Lawrence, Tucker Brown, Aaron Lee, Misha Patel, Maya Morales, Luke Shelton, Nicole Johnson (Mt. Vernon advisor), Tyler Tharp; second row, Kaitlyn Lowes, Isabella Sotelo, Josie Kinnaman, Maddi Bowman, Vivian Miller, Jackson Clark, Moses Haynes, Saydie Miller, third row, Brian Bowen (Eastern Hancock advisor), Brent Oliver (Greenfield-Central advisor), Mitchell Burk (Southern Hancock advisor).