Hope for Living: Keep your focus on facts, not feelings


And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold Satan has desired to have you, that he may sift you like wheat: But I have prayed for you that your faith faileth not: and when you are converted strengthen your brothers.

Luke 22:31-32

Sometimes, when God is getting ready to reveal himself to you, he may not do it in the things of comfort. Sometimes it comes in circumstances.

It’s in the trials in our life that he reveals to us who he is to us. David fighting Goliath showed David that God will help him in his battles. Samson lost his strength from his hair being cut off, but it was God showing him even though you lost your strength because of your hair being cut off, when you depend on God, it will grow back — in other words, your strength will come back.

Abraham took his promised son, Isaac, to the top of the mountain to kill him, but God showed him ‘I am your provider.’

Most of the time when we feel defeated in those times of trails, it’s only because we lost our focus. We must stay encouraged and not let our mind and emotions get us off track.

I believe there are two things that we fight with while we’re going through hard times; it’s our feelings versus the facts. Your feelings are the thing that makes you feel like you won’t make it, you won’t get healed, or you won’t get the thing you’re believing in God for. So discouragement, depression and defeat set in, and that’s when you feel like giving up on what you believe he promised you.

But, when you focus only on the facts — that’s the word that God promised you — no matter how long it may take for that prayer to be answered, you will never be weary or wobble in your faith, because you know God will never leave you nor forsake you and he’s on your side. Buckle your seat belt and enjoy the process!

Here Jesus tells Peter that Satan has a desire to have you, shake your faith, knock you off course. Whenever the enemy comes to attack, it’s only because he knows you have something valuable inside of you.

Your attacks from the enemy are not there to kill you, but those attacks are there to develop you into who God has called you to be. Remember you are more than a conqueror!

Jesus says when Satan comes, Jesus needs us to stay focused, “because I have prayed for you,” and since he has prayed for you, just know that your storms may have an entrance, but they also have an exit!”

He concludes by saying to Peter “and when you are converted,” meaning “and when I bring you out,” strengthen your brethren.

So when you stay focused on Jesus in your time of storms, just know your focus and faith will always see you through.

God bless!

Bishop Alexander Wortham is pastor of Kingdom Word Outreach Ministries in Greenfield. This weekly column is written by local clergy members.